
Thursday, February 24, 2011

High-Level Discussions on Priority Theme

High-Level General Discussion
on Priority Theme

24 February 2011

H.E Mr. Garem Nazarian of Armenia, Chair of the Commission, presiding
Member countries were invited to present their country's progress and/or challenges on achieving the Priority Theme:

Access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women's equal access to full employment and decent work


Support establishment of UN Women

One of first to provide core funding for UN Women

Have some women in prominent roles in science but realize that this is not the norm

Women significantly under-represented in employment in fields of science, technology and engineering - 22.3%

Girls' education is crucial

Australia helps girls in Pakistan

Closing gap between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples

Some difficulties for women accessing full employment, achieving pay equity, and having family-friendly work places with child care

First 12-year National Plan to address violence against women -" everyone's responsibility"

Have come a long way but there is a long road ahead

Recommend a Human Rights perspective mechanism in all work of the CSW


BPA, CEDAW and MDGs - Government implementing them 2011 - 2020

Safeguards for land contracts and rights of rural women

Females shall constitute at least 30% of villages' governing bodies

Subsidies for rural women - e.g. in health and breast screening, small loans for women

Establishment of UN Women is a major milestone - all types of women's needs should be addressed; need strengthened funding for Gender Entity


Plan and funding for the inclusion of women in the labour market - child care, help for those working from home, promotion of entrepeneurship especially in the south of Italy

Only 20% of women have government positions

Participation of women and in particular middle-aged women is needed in scientific fields

Aim to achieve gender equality in the sciences

Italy has adopted a national plan to eliminate violence against women including female genital mutilation


Launch this evening of UN Women - an historic achievement

Initiative to implement the BPA (Beijing Platform for Action)

Domestic violence, lack of educational and employment opportunities, pay gaps, adequate health care etc. are continuing challenges

Equal education rights in Bahamas, including at tertiary institutions

Promote non-traditional training for girls - e.g. automotive and technical training

Notable achievements of women in administrative and faculty positions

Overwhelming number of girls pursue careers in the social and cultural fields


Promoting the Beijing Platform Action, CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Violence Against Women) and MDGs (Millennium Development Goals)

Equal rights in state and public rights

Women are increasingly entering the more non-traditional fields

High priority of Government: the empowerment of women

Food security for poor, rural women

Support to women entrepreneurs (small business)

Increase from 4 to 6 months for maternity leave

Parity to female-led households

Maternal health - 3 ante-natal and 2 post-natal health checks available

Woman PM and the Opposition Leaders are all women

Still need to continue steps to move forward on gender equality and justice


Congratulated Michelle Bachelet on her appointment and pledged support of UN Women

Malaysia on Executive Board of UN Women

National Target: increase female labour force from current 47% to 55% by 2015

The three top positions of Ministry of Science are headed by women

Gender mainstreaming programs

NGOs play important role in working strategically with the Government - and receive funding to implement the NGO activities and programmes for the advancement of women


Support of UN Women - 8-fold increase in core contribution to it

National Action Plan Oct. 2010 on 1325

Maternal Health Initiative for 2010 G8 Summit

Tougher laws on violence against women; investing in shelters; increased strategies to reduce violence in aboriginal,refugee and immigrant communities; addressing honour-motivated violence

Together we can make a difference. Together, we will make a difference.


Violence against women has increased with the earthquake, and the Government is taking steps that, along with the contribution of other organizations who are helping, address violence against women


With support of the global society, the Government is trying to develop a Gender Action Strategy.

Constant military threats affected the elections, but there was a 20% increase in voters - not impressive but some progress. Afghanistan has the highest percentage of women in Parliament in the world. Women have equality under the law. Have a 10-year plan of action to increase women's status.

Continue to honour our commitments to CEDAW and other conventions and to UNCSR 1325. Still have many maternal deaths and engage the international commitee to help us to close these gaps. "A stronger UN Women means a stronger support for all of the world."

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