UNSW55 Themes
Priority Theme:
Access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women's equal access to full employment and decent work
Review Theme:
The elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child
The Emerging Theme:
Gender equality and sustainable development
CFUW Delegation to UNCSW55
Other CFUW members, registered under other organizations' accreditation, will also be included in all CFUW and IFUW events taking place during the 55th session.
My three areas of focus will be:
1. The Priority Theme and Emerging Theme
There will be Briefings with the Canadian Government Delegation where we will give input on the CFUW views for the negotiations leading to the Agreed Conclusions on the Priority Theme; various parallel sessions offering panels, workshops and round table discussions; the IFUW-UNESCO round table on the topic, and the briefings of the trade unions including leadership from our Ad Hoc Coalition partners from PSAC and the CLC.
The Emerging Theme will involve Caucus Meetings and other parallel events. I am particularly concerned about the elimination of the term "gender equality" from Canadian Foreign Affairs usage and the impact this is having - and will have - not only in Canada's international response to issues but right here in Canada.
Note: Two delegation members will cover sessions involving the Review Theme.
2. Women Peace and Security
I am looking forward in particular to two parallel sessions on UNSCR 1325, one on Financing 1325 and another on Implementing 1325 as well as a panel on Women and the Human Right to Peace.
3. The new Gender Entity, UN Women
This focus will include the official Launch of UN Women on February 24th and GEAR Caucus Meetings on The First 100 Days of UN Women and on Beyond 100 Days (and the upcoming Strategic Plan for UN Women to which CFUW submitted priorties).
There will be a webcast of the Launch of UN Women on Thursday, 24 February 2011 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm EST at www.un.org/webcast .
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